A revealing psychological horror experience...

In Doctor, you assume the role of a troubled patient in a mysterious psychiatric facility, tasked with confronting the haunting scars of your past through a series of intense psychological tests and enigmatic interactions with the elusive Doctor. 

This dark and immersive experience challenges you to navigate a labyrinth of your own psyche, uncovering fragmented memories and facing moral dilemmas that shape your character's development and ultimately determine your fate. With ten main endings, numerous hidden secrets, and a constantly shifting atmosphere that reflects your mental state, each playthrough offers a unique and thrilling journey of self-discovery. 

As you peel back the layers of your troubled mind, you'll question the nature of reality, guilt, and redemption, all while trying to discern the true motives of the Doctor and the facility itself. Are you prepared to face the depths of your own consciousness and uncover the truth that lies buried within?

Game Features:

- Mysterious narrative story 

- Striking visuals and sounds

- 8 main endings and 2 secret endings 

- Play in broswer or on your mobile device

Published 7 days ago
Rated 2.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRen'Py


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Interesting game, there are heaps of great ideas in here and the concept of the doctor itself is really good, a playtrough for one ending is enjoyable. The game has some issues, the endings feel very empty and not rewarding at all; The doctor claims to be this larger than life entity but, regardless of how much he says so it does not feel like it.

The part with the questions and tests is fun since it let's you customize the experience but then again, the result you get is pretty inconsequential to it all and it feels a little arbitrary.

I did notice one of your other games use AI stuff and I think I spot some in here (may be wrong), personally not a big fan of that and it makes me question wheter or not I should praise certain aspects of the game...

Regardless, I feel that with a little of work on the narration, the visuals and the endings, this can be a solid experience since the plot has good ideas and the foundation is solid enough.

Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much for your feedback and for playing!! Totally taking on board what you say. This was my first experient into VNs and an attempt to learn the RenPy engine. I will expand on the experience now and make it more engaging :) thank you again. 

What a ride, you succeded in creating the atmosphere for sure, also beautifully written! I have one done one ending, curious about the others, will need to dig back in lol


Ah man thank you so much for playing! I've really enjoyed this process, it has been a wonderful outlet for my creative writing. I will definitely be making another, more involved VN game. Thanks again for playing